Thursday, March 18, 2010

An Essay!

All six pages of one, no less! Okay, to be honest, I cranked the thing out in about twenty minutes, but hey, no one's likely to be reading it anyway. It's based on a Political Science assignment that my roomie had to do. I decided to write one as well. Let's see how that turned out, yes?


In any case, or rather, in this specific case, the discussion, or rather lecture, is on the root necessity of the necessity of government in society, or rather, the necessity of unified leadership in society. So, to begin:
In Hobbes’s opinion, the society of humanity is so organized as to prevent person or persons from being captured, devoured, and otherwise killed and maimed by tigers. Thomas Hobbes, on the other hand, gives us a slightly different line of reasoning.

w00t! Three 'or rathers' in one sentence. I'm currently trying to figure out how to post the file so you can read it, but failing that, I'll just post the whole shebang. Quite possibly in parts.


Monday, March 8, 2010

Do I have it?

Lately, as in, since I signed up for this blog, I've been wondering; Can I actually do it? I mean, it's one thing to have something witty to say every once in a great while, but can I actually think of something to say often enough to keep a blog going? I'm not nearly opinionated enough politically to have much to say on the topic. I guess that I'll just let whatever happens fall out of my head, and see what happens, yes? If any of you have anything that I can scribble about, please, don't hesitate to suggest. (I know that if this, by some miracle, becomes popular, I'm tempting fate by saying something like that on the internet. oh well)

Something much more interesting next time! Promise!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Welcome, one and all!

This is my blog. Whether I actually post here regularly, or just get bored in a few days and wander off, will be determined later. Peace!